Remedial Massage Helps Piriformis Syndrome

Sciatica or Piriformis syndrome is what can be described as a neurological pain that goes down the back side of the lower body. The syndrome is better known as sciatica pain and it is practically a radiating pain. The sciatic nerve, also the largest nerve in the body, is formed with nerve roots from the sacral and lumbar plexuses and passes through some small spaces towards the extremities.

Piriformis Syndrome Gold Coast
Piriformis Syndrome

Sometimes, some of these small spaces can compress the nerve and people feel what is called the sciatic pain. The piriformis syndrome comes from the piriformis muscle, which is located in the gluteal region. This muscle can compress the sciatic nerve and contains a condition piriformis syndrome which involves a lot of pain.

Usually the tendinous bands of the muscle are the ones that compress the nerve or it can be compressed between the piriformis and the sacrospinous ligament. The pressure doesn’t have to be too extreme to create pain or even lead to this syndrome, even a low pressure on the nerve that takes a long time can affect it.

There are other ways in which a person can develop piriformis syndrome, it can be due to the superior gluteal nerve that can be pushed by the piriformis and the greater sciatic notch, this nerve can be compressed between the two leading to weakness in the abductors of the hip.

However, in this case, there is no radiating pain to the posterior leg because the nerve is in the gluteal region; besides this case there is also a case when the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve is compressed by the piriformis muscle. There are also different variations in each case as the piriformis syndrome can be very complex and the sciatic nerve, being so long, can be compressed in a lot of areas, depending on the person.

Piriformis Syndrome Gold Coast
Piriformis Syndrome on the Gold Coast

There are also myofascial trigger points that can lead to hypertonicity and they themselves can lead to nerve compression and they can produce symptoms that are often confused with sciatica.

Part of the piriformis syndrome treatment is remedial massage. This remedial massage consists of a series of techniques meant to relax the muscles and relieve pain. Then, the remedial massage therapist uses a series of techniques to reduce the severity of the compression on the nerve and reduce piriformis tightness.

Some of the techniques used by remedial massage therapists usually include a soft effleurage technique that allows the body to warm and reduce tension in the muscle. After that has been done for a couple of minutes, the actual treatment that relieves pain in piriformis syndrome begins. Since the area can be pretty painful, the remedial massage therapist starts slowly and increases the amount of pressure as they work checking with the patient to see whether they feel any type of pain.

At the actual pain producing spot, a technique called static compression will be used; the pressure will be applied for a few seconds and a few specific trigger point based treatment techniques. The most important aspect is to reduce the pressure on the nerve by relaxing the muscles.

Piriformis syndrome can be a severe condition if left untreated because it can lead to a great deal of pain. Fortunately, those who have this condition can easily get rid of the symptoms with the help of remedial massage and actually improve that whole condition with regular sessions. After only one session, the patient will feel much better than they felt before, with less pain or no pain at all. As the time passes pain can come back but if the patient is keen on going back to the remedial massage therapist they can treat their condition completely.

In the cases where sciatica is caused by the trapped nerve in the pelvis and not by the damaged disc in the back, patients can easily find relief and treatment in the clinic of a remedial massage therapist. This is why it is very important to know what causes your sciatica before going to a remedial massage therapist.

Even those with sciatica caused by the damaged discs in their back can find fair relief but the treatment can be more complicated. Remedial massage therapists can help those with lower back pain, leg pain or any other type of pain caused by the piriformis syndrome have a great and healthy life without any discomfort or stiffness due to their condition. In just a few sessions you will be able to be completely pain free and enjoy your life.

If you suffer from Piriformis Syndrome on the Gold Coast, click and visit and try a remedial massage Gold Coast can offer to get a fast pain relief.

Remedial massage, deep tissue massage and sports massage on the Gold CoastPain Relief Massage Clinic
192 Brisbane Road, Arundel Gold Coast QLD 4214 Australia
Phone: (07) 5537 7886