Pain Relief Massage For Issues With Levator Scapulae Muscle

The levator scapulae muscle is situated on the side and back region of the neck and it’s one of the muscles that get strained the most. The muscle is linked with the cervical vertebrae one to four and the dorsal tubercles. The name of the muscle comes from the Latin word levator, which means to lift. The use of this muscle is to lift the scapula as it is embedded into the vertebral border.

Levator scapulae
Levator scapulae – Back view

For example, when you shrug your shoulders, you engage this particular part of your body. It is also used when a person flexes their neck to one side or while moving in any direction from the shoulder joint. It is obvious that this particular muscle is one of those that we use frequently so it is prone to more mechanical damage due to its location and our sedentary modern life.

Although it does seem like a small muscle, damaging or straining it can cause serious effects to one’s body, especially when it comes to the more subtle movements and it can even interfere with easy day to day activities.

People who have pain related to this particular muscle usually have noticeable physical impairment that can even grow more severe if the pain is not treated in a short time. Usually their head appears to have limited movement and most of the time it seems glued into a certain position. Also, their movements are very slow and when they turn they actually turn their whole body because they are unable to turn their neck.

Also, damage can occur in the eyes because people can strain them to make up for the lack of movement in the neck. All these severe effects can put a strain on one’s body and even interfere with their ability to focus on their job or in school. This is why it is extremely important to find the cause of a strained levator scapulae muscle so that the person experiencing these issues find pain relief as soon as possible.

There are two important trigger points that are related to the Levator Scapulae muscle: the first trigger point is just above the superior angle of the scapula and the second is in the midportion of the muscle. These trigger points can be activated and become quite uncomfortable from various activities or accidents you may have.

For instance, whiplash from an automobile accident can cause one of these trigger points to be activated and lead to a great deal of pain. But the most common ways in which a trigger point can be activated are usually maintaining a bad posture or experiencing stress.

Sleeping on your stomach may seem comfortable, but it’s not a perfect way to relax since it can activate the trigger points mentioned above. Those who sleep with their head turned to one side can end up with a lot of discomfort that might prolong for days or even weeks.

Another way to engage these trigger points is to maintain a bad posture while working such as the common head forward posture in which a person usually lowers their head and leans forward while working . Usually those who work in an office and use a computer are more prone to activating these trigger point; even more, those who are holding a phone between their shoulder and ear or carrying heavy bags on just one shoulder will also damage their muscle sooner or later.

When it comes to stress it seems that emotional and mental stress play a major role in the wellbeing of your neck and back muscles. Stress causes tension in these exact muscles so they can activate back problems without any physical problem to begin with.

Among those who have issues with their levator scapulae muscle there are people who have very distinct symptoms. For example, some people experience shortness of breath and can even develop panic attacks due to it along with a feeling of pressure on their shoulders.

There are things people should consider when they have pain within their levator scapulae muscle. Usually correcting your posture is the best bet to prevent injuries in that area. Another way to make sure that you avoid injuries and accidents in the future is to relax your tense muscles by going regularly to Pain Relief Massage sessions such as remedial massage, sports massage and deep tissue massage. These clinical massage sessions can help by relieving pain and you have better odds at getting rid of the pain than by using medication.

Those who don’t want to take pain killers can simply use some over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication in combination with Pain Relief massage. You will feel better within the first few sessions and having massage therapy as part of your regular routine prevents muscle strains and a lot of related injuries.

To get rid of pain and discomfort that originate from Levator scapulae muscles, please click and visit and see what a deep tissue massage on the Gold Coast can do for you. Pain Relief Massage Clinic on the Gold Coast offers a clinical massage therapy such as remedial massage, sports massage and deep tissue massage for pain relief purpose and discomfort solution.

Remedial massage, deep tissue massage and sports massage on the Gold CoastPain Relief Massage Clinic
192 Brisbane Road, Arundel Gold Coast QLD 4214 Australia
Phone: (07) 5537 7886