Massage Therapy For Pain That Originates From Trapezius Muscle

The trapezius muscle is attached to the base of the skull, at the back of the neck and over the upper shoulders. It also goes down the upper back to the mid back which makes it one of the most sensible muscles in your body as it might get sore. When a person is stressed, when they have bad posture during work or during sleep, or when they are overworked, they will experience a wide range of symptoms that include pain or stiffness.

Trapezius Muscle
Trapezius Muscle

When it comes to stress, the trapezius muscle can even have symptoms of a burning sensation, which can make things difficult when sitting down or bending over. Stress itself is a major reason for back and neck pain and it can affect the life quality of those who experience it. Fortunately, stress related pain can be easily alleviated with massage and exercise.

The types of massage used for trapezius muscles vary according to patient and how severe the pain is. The classic symptoms are usually shoulders ache combined with a neck ache and sometimes stiffness. At its most severe point trapezius muscle pain can even lead to severe headaches. The headaches are usually located at the temples, behind the eyes and at the base of your skull. Sometimes people think they have other problems that might affect them and completely overlook trapezius muscle issues.

The following section will explain some of the common causes that can lead to trapezius muscle problems. These causes should be corrected as soon as possible, otherwise people might experience long term problems or even worsening symptoms.

Besides stress one of the leading causes for trapezius muscle pain is general posture, like holding your head forward while working at a desk. You can improve your posture by trying to exercise every hour and by getting up from your desk so that your muscles can have some relief.

Having a regular massage, at least once a month will certainly improve your condition. Massage also works great for trapezius muscle pain that has stress as a primary cause. The pain can be alleviated and the person can relax after a stressful day at work as it works both physically and emotionally on a person’s wellbeing.

Women who experience trapezius muscle pain should make sure that their bras are well fitted and that the bra straps are not too tight. Also, make sure that you avoid wearing bags that are too big and heavy on just one shoulder. However, backpacks although they might seem like they make it easier for your trapezius muscle pain and posture, can have a huge impact if they are too heavy.

Women who have recently given birth might also experience trapezius muscle pain especially if they adopt bad posture while breastfeeding their babies. Also, the weight of their breasts may increase and pull the trapezius muscle leading to more back pain. A well fitted bra and massage might help ease the pain or even completely cure it.

When it comes to sleeping, you might think that it helps your back by relaxing your whole body. However, it’s all in the posture and a night of sleeping in a bad position might lead to dramatic morning with pain in your upper back. For example, those who choose to sleep on their stomach will usually have to turn their head to one side or the other; this can be really bad for your posture because it puts pressure on the muscles.

Actually even keeping your head turned for prolonged periods of time, either for work or for your hobby, can cause acute neck or shoulder pain. Change your position frequently and make sure that you do some exercise and go to a massage therapist from time to time in order to relax the muscles and improve your condition and wellbeing.

Another way to hurt your trapezius muscle is to bend forward while working, this is common with artisans, painters, knitters, etc. However, writers and those who work at a computer are not saved from pain as having a high keyboard or having no rest for your arms can keep your muscles tight thorough the day. Even artists who play an instrument will find that their neck is stiff sometimes, especially if it involves bending and sitting in an awkward position.

Trapezius muscle pain doesn’t have to concern you, it cannot lead to anything too serious but pain is the thing that usually rushes people to a medical doctor, who can’t really do anything but prescribe pain killers. For long term effect, exercise and having a remedial massage is the best thing you can do when you have tight muscles. Just a few massage sessions per month and exercising for 15 to 30 minutes daily is going to solve a major part of your problem.

If you would like to try a deep tissue massage on the Gold Coast to relieve your Trapezius muscle problem, click and visit and see what they can do for you. Remedial massage, sports massage and deep tissue massage are offered for pain relief purpose.

Remedial massage, deep tissue massage and sports massage on the Gold CoastPain Relief Massage Clinic
192 Brisbane Road, Arundel Gold Coast QLD 4214 Australia
Phone: (07) 5537 7886