Deep Tissue Massage Therapy Helps Pain That Originates From Quadratus Lumborum Muscle

Quadratus lumborum muscle is a muscle that stretches from the hip to the upper four lumbar vertebrae and the 12th rib; one of the roles of this muscle is to help people keep their upright position and what most people don’t know about it is the fact that it is often the culprit for lower back pain.

Unfortunately, a pair of quadratus lumborum muscles being one of core muscles of the body, it is making it more prone to strains or accidents. If you are experiencing any type of lower back pain it doesn’t hurt to have this area checked by a remedial massage therapist or deep tissue massage therapist.

Quadratus Lumborum
Quadratus Lumborum

Some of the symptoms that might indicate that you have a strained quadratus lumborum muscle are the following:

Restriction of motion in the lower back – some people might experience stiffness in their lower back area when the muscles are pulled or strained. This can interfere with their overall wellbeing because it can keep them from doing usual daily activities.

Lower back pain – one of the symptoms that indicate a problem in the lower back area is, of course, the lower back pain which is felt like a sharp pain, even when you don’t do strenuous physical activity. The pain can be extremely hard to tolerate and you might need to take pain killers or even muscle relaxants to be able to tolerate it. Some people even have to get an injection in their back to be able to breathe properly as even taking deep breaths can cause this muscle to hurt.

Pain on the side – usually, when you pull this particular muscle you will feel the pain on only one side of your body, which often radiates to the hip as well. The pain can also be present during resting and people can be in most cases unable to walk for a day or two.

Some of the causes that lead to quadratus lumborum muscle strains are usually related to lifestyle choices, bad posture or accidents.

When it comes to lifestyle, this particular muscle can get weaker if you sit all day at the office, for example. Due to lack of exercise they are more prone to accidents. Also, not working your upper body and lower body makes people more prone to this type of accident.

Mechanical factors that lead to lower back pain can be in the form of accidents or even defects at birth, such as having one leg shorter. Usual daily activities, if not performed correctly, can put a strain on the lower back. Gardening and exercising on certain surfaces might be factors that will lead to this type of pain. Also, this particular muscle gets easily strained while lifting heavy objects or putting on socks or shoes while standing.

Other symptoms that are common and might even frighten a person when he or she has problems with their lower back are the spasms. Sometimes when people tend to have muscles cramp problem, they might also experience spasms.

Symptoms that might worry people are usually swelling and heat; heat is usually due to blood flow in the problematic area and it can also come with a bit of redness. However, people shouldn’t be worried as it’s usually a common sign.

Swelling should be a symptom that may indicate a more serious strain and it should definitely be treated immediately with cold patches and you should be immobilized to prevent any other further injury.

Other people might experience weakness along with the stiffness which can last for a long period of time even after the pain is gone and the patient can resume normal movement. Those who experience weakness even after a long time has passed from their injury should start having a regular exercise program and concentrate on getting a massage therapy regularly. This way you can increase the muscle strength on that side of the body while making sure that no accidents are going to take place.

Deep Tissue Massage is probably one of the best ways you can make sure that you avoid any type of accidents when it comes to the quadratus lumborum muscle and it’s a great way to relax the muscle and alleviate pain if you suddenly find yourself in one of the situations above.

When you would like a treatment for your quadratus lumborum muscles on the Gold Coast with deep tissue massage therapy, click and visit and see what they can do for you.

Remedial massage, deep tissue massage and sports massage on the Gold CoastPain Relief Massage Clinic
192 Brisbane Road, Arundel Gold Coast QLD 4214 Australia
Phone: (07) 5537 7886